Find Us a Longer Military Acronym and We'll Give You a T-Shirt

We can’t decide if this is an intialism or an acronym since we’ve never heard it aloud, but we can’t imagine how it could realistically be pronounced without sounding like someone is choking you. But whatever it is, it’s fricken ridiculous. If you find another acronym or initialism longer than this in the world of military bureaucracy, we’ll get you a Phase Zero t-shirt and hail you as a Master Defense Jargon Analyst and Technician.
CARLABFAD: Character, Associates, Responsibility, Loyalty, Ability, Bias and prejudice, Financial responsibility, Alcohol use, and Drug use.
Thanks, FBI. We needed a laugh today.
Update: If one more of you jerks submits ADCOMSUBORDCOMPHIBSPAC, I will turn this car around. Also, these are not acronyms, they are abbreviations.
[Art by Jim Cooke.]