July 4 Terror Panic Based on Report that Said Don't Panic: Read It Here

No one who was watching television news last week missed the Independence Day threat alert from the FBI and homeland security: ISIS was coming; it was our hallowed holiday; it was the one-year anniversary of the declaration of the Caliphate; it was the end of Ramadan; we’d just passed through the Garland, Texas shooting. This one was bad: “Not business as usual,” former Secretary Tom Ridge said on Fox. We got our hands on the original June 26 warning and you can read for yourself—but believe us, it’s lame.

“We have no information to suggest homegrown violent extremists (HVEs) aim to conduct attacks in the United States related to this anniversary,” the Joint Intelligence Bulletin says, but just in case, here’s six pages of crap meant to scare the public and empower the police. And we thought color-coded political manipulation went out with the Bush administration...

Read the complete document below. Maybe Hugh Hewitt should get on this list?